Herrick Twins in the Hospital, December 1954, United Network for Organ Sharing, Transplant Living
"Dr. Moore later said that if the operation had failed, it could have set the field of transplantation back a decade or more. Even though eight years later, Richard did succumb to renal failure, the operation's early and complete success was a tremendous shot-in-the-arm to all of us everywhere who were working in the field."
~Joseph E. Murray, "Surgery of the Soul: Reflections on a Curious Career", 2001
In conclusion, the medical breakthrough of organ transplants has saved tens of thousands of lives, allowing patients to be cured of fatal diseases and to no longer live in discomfort. Many other advancements emerged from organ transplants such as the artificial heart and kidney and the discovery of anti-rejection medicines. This medical advancement has opened several doors since its introduction, giving hope and a new beginning to people everywhere.
Joseph E. Murray and Ronald Herrick, 2004, Brigham and Women's Hospital Bulletin
Joseph E. Murray holding his Nobel Prize, 2001, The Fight For Life, Harvard Medical School
"I thought back to the day when it all began. Ronald and I were still here, but Richard and the rest of our team were gone. So too were many of the recipients—including all those who died young despite our best efforts. They had all understood, perhaps better than we, that life is precious and fragile, and often must be fought for. They went to their graves believing that if they were not going to make it, they might at least help us learn how to save someone else. Their fight, their courage, gave the gift of life to millions."
~Joseph E. Murray, The Fight For Life, Harvard Medical School